JICPR(Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research) Volume XX Number 1 January-March 2003 page 208-211
OF ZERO EXISTENCE by Prafulla Kumar Panigrahi
Book Review by Dr.Abdul Lathief
In the
preface the author begins by saying he propounds a theory that bridges the gap
between the findings of higher physics and those of vedanta.He further asserts
that the book establishes the world as illusion and also identify the mother of
this illusory creation for the first time.`
In the first chapter called Maya and
her duality the author explains the horizontal&vertical duality of the
opposing principles of the world which are really complementary.In the
horizontal duality two opposing priciples,first&second constitute one
single whole.This is further explained by material objects&non material
sky,matter&energy,proton&electron etc..In vertical duality two opposing
principles,first&second are one and the same.This is explained by wave
particle duality of light&electron,individual cell&the whole organism
etc.He further explains the dependence of sub atomic particle's nature on the
observing mind as either wave or particle and comparing this with the concept
of Maya of shankara as the power of Brahman which conceals the
real&superimpose the unreal on it, the author comes to the conclusion that
the object is an illusion.At the end of first chapter the author concludes with
stating the vertical duality of creation the Phenominal world&Brahman as
first&second respectively.
Now what the author call duality is
what philosophers&mystics called the dual nature or the dual aspect of
reality.Active spirit&Passive nature or essence of Mind&essnce of
Matter or Being &Thought.Now both are real and it depends on the plane of
reality whether it is Being or Thought or a combination.The ultimate expressing
differerent aspects at different plane.Every thing is real in its own plane.So
It is not right to say matter&energy are only attribute of subatomic
object.At the subatomic plane they are the substance.In that realm they are
real.What quantum theory prove is there is no independent reality in other
words the inter dependence of subject and object.What the author says as non
physical space&physical objects(phenominal world) and
matter&energy(physical world) is one and the same thing.This is because the
quantum field is nothing but energy field.so space is nothing but different
forms of energy field.Now if by brahman the author means the highest plane of
the reality it is not correct to say it as the
second of the phenominal world in vertical duality.Brahman as the
highest plane is beyond duality,opposition&comparision.
In the second chapter called Maya
and her Tridhara the author describe the whole cosmos exists in and through
tridhara of Maya.The first is positivity or plus one.when wakeful if an idea
corresponds with external object it is plus one.The second is nullity and its
concept is zero.If there is neither idea nor any thing external it is called
zero.Third is negativity called minus one. Here there is only idea in the mind
.This is produced by plus one acting on zero.The author further reduces all
into minus ones by first showing the
existence of zero in mind as concept and then explaining the wave particle duality
of sub atomic objects and the principle of complementarity of Bohr which states
sub atomic objects are wave and particle at the same time and at any time the
nature depends and decided by the observing mind which proves the so called
plus ones are also minus ones.The author further argues that for the formation
of the world which is absolute minus one there must be absolute plus one and
that is Brahman.The absolute minus one or the phenominal world is produced by
the action of absolute plus one or Brahman
on zero or Maya.
The authors nullity or concept of
zero is debatable.As he himself later says as there is concept of zero in the
mind it is minus one.but then he compares Maya with zero.Throughout the book
and even the title of the book suggests the author takes Maya as zero
existence.Now even nothing or nonbeing
is a concept.As a concept it is minus one. zero existance is a concept.as a
concept it is minus one.so there are only two category possible,plus one and
minus one. Now if Maya or zero is not an entity a plus one(brahman)cannot act
on it.If the author consider mother maya as an entity or existence it is not
zero.Now from Heisenberg's uncertinity principle or bohr's complementarity
principle it cannot prove that the world is minus one but rather the nature of
reality also depends and determined by the observing mind or the
interdependence of subject&object.
In the third chapter called Maya and
her relativity the author explains the relative existence of everything like
space,time,mass,volume etc except the velocity of light by explaining
Einstein's theory of relativity and concludes that velocity of light is
infinite and all the objects in the world lie between zero and infinite
velocity.As the world is a creation of mind and velocity of light has
cancelling effect on the velocity of mind they influence each other so both of
them cannot be absolute.Now as human mind know plus one only as minus one so it
is deficient so cannot be absolute.So the absolute is pure consiousness or
Brahman which as plus one acting on zero(Maya)mind is produced.
The author's view that everything is
between zero and infinite velocity is a novel idea which need further
discussion.As I told earlier the world is not minus one but reality as a
different aspect or plane other than highest plane and zero which is non being
cannot be the cause of the world.
In the 4th chapter called Maya and
the point of dissolution starting from the particle wave duality the author
establishes every thing is activity and so becoming.The author further says
time is only a mental concept and not objective reality.He explains why time
stops for some one who travel with the velocity of light.This is because when
one travel with the velocity of light all activities are cancelled by the velocity
of light.so time being an index of change of activity also stops.this also
means stopping of mental activities.so there is dissolution of both observing
mind and observed world.Then being alone remains.This is Brahman,the pure
consiousness.He further states that the cessation of volume is due to stopping
of mind and mass not become infinite as Einstein says but also dissolve.
The author's view everything as
activity and at the velocity of light the dissolution of mind,volume, mass is a
novel idea which need further consieration.Time as mental concept is similar to
Kant's view of time as apriori.but as Hegal says time is not only subjective
but also objective reality.The changes in activity or duration is real in
objects.Now time stops, mass become infinite and volume zero of an object with
the velocity of lihght is to an observer who is not moving with it.for the
thing in itself there is no change.Relativity theory is relative to an observer
from another frame.
In the 5th chapter called maya and
her amazing city he states as mass and volume are different aspects of the same
object when one becomes zero the other also becomes zero and not as Einstein
theory which says mass become infinite when volume become zero at velocity of
light.further he argues that zero and infinty are same because all numbers are
limitations so we cannot get infinity by increasing numbers.not only is light
at absolute motion but also at absolute rest.This is because when one travel
with the speed of light time stops but as velocity is the relation between unit
of time and distance when one is zero there will be no motion.
As I told earlier the
theory of relativity is with relative to an observer from another frame.it does
not say the object in its own frame change.An object with the velocity of light
there is no change in time,volume or mass.The authors view that true infinity
is beyond number is a novel idea.but both increase in number and decrease in
number are limitations. zero is the concept of absence of quantity so it is also
inadequate to the concept of infinity.the author's view that light is in
absolute motion and absolute rest is debatable.Now light has a velocity of
186000miles/sec.An object with the speed of light time stops for the observer
not for the object.so there is no point in saying there is no time element for
light.light takes minutes or days to reach earth from sun or other stars.so
there is a specific velocity.so it is not infinite or absolute motion, and
lastly zero and infinity are not the same.
In the 6th chapter called Maya and
the nature of her creation stating light velocity as both zero and infinity he
say light is both at absolute rest and absolute motion He further elabrates the
massless charecter of light photon and the zero volume of the light velocity
object to the observer hence conclude that light is zero or nonexistence, so
that the velocity of light is absolute.All the other existences which are minus
ones are produced by this zero,velocity of light, so this is Maya herself.In
explaining the Heatdeath theory the author illustrate the creation from zero or
infinite point. just a fraction later there is maximum energy and minimum
matter.This is also the point of maximum velocity and hence activity.There is
waxing and waning process and at some other point matter become maximum and
energy minimum,then at zero or infinitey point there is dissolution of
As we told earlier light
has a definite velocity.so it is neither zero nor infinite. Activity also
depends on frequency.Infact the activities of human brain during
waking,dreaming and deep sleep are measured by alpha,beta,,delta waves with
different frequency.Now light is only one member in the electro magnetic
spectrum.only the velocity of EMR is same but it contain radio wave with the least
frequency to cosmic rays with the highest frequency.So if we take frequency as
the parameter of activity as there is in EMR waves with other frequencies, we
cannot say light is in absolute motin or rest.It is true that photon is
massless but the zero volume is not that of light but to an observer of any
other object with the velocity of light
relative to the observer.so we cannot conclude from this velocity of
light is absolute.
In the 7th chapter called Maya and
her lord he states that the Brahman or pure consiousness or plus one acting on
Maya or velocity of light or zero form mind and the mind create the world which
is the minus one.When we reach the plane of zero the minus one or the world
disappear.If we observe zero from the plane of plus one zero also dissolves,
then only Brahman remains and we come to the realisation that both the world
and Maya are Brahman.Further he argues that maya(illusion) itself is the proof
that the real is Brahman.
Now the concept of Maya
as velocity of light is debatable.Now velocity is only a property.it depends on
a substance.it has no independent existence.The author througout the book take
maya as a being or entity.he refer maya as she or her.Now is maya illusion?.
According to kasmir shaivism Maya is real and denotes limiting power(emanating
principle) by which the five kanchuka evolved.In vedanta also badarayana and
other commantaters like ramanuja and madhava treat the universe as real.Now the
concept of Maya of shankara as the power of Brahman which conceals the
real&superimpose the unreal is from the highest plane where except Nirguna
Brahman everything is unreal.Now the reality of Maya or Illusion is taking the
material world as something devoid of Mind.According to Self realised men
Reality is Knowledge(Thought or Mind)The two aspect or form of the knowledge is
thought and images(feeling,sense perception,imagination) or Discursive Mind and
imaginative mind or in Hegal's terminology speculative thought and picture
thought).Now what mystics says illusion is taking this imaginative thought as
something devoid of mind or as inert matter.Another point is when the author
talks about maya as the cause of mind and wolrd the author's concept of maya is
that of being or essense of matter or prakriti which acted by essence of mind
or purusha form the world, but maya is not only the nonspiritual principle of
reality but also the emanating power.When we reach brahman or at realisation it
is not dissolution of world or maya but realisation that all are different
aspect or planes of brahman which is the highest plane and every thing is real
in its own plane.
Now the Ultimate is neither mere affirmation nor mere negation.it is a dialectics of affirmation and negation.the highest vision is of course not divresity or multiplicity but neither is it unity.the state of self realisation is a dialectcs of unity in multiplicity and multiplicity in unity.